Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Search Engines Work

By Justin Harrison

Sometimes referred to as 'spiders' or crawlers, automated search engine robots seek out web pages for the user. Just how do they accomplish this and is this of importance? What is the real purpose of these robots?

These spiders actually have a rather limited scope of understanding and power available to them, far less than you would think considering they're minions of such great and mighty names as Google and Yahoo. There's a lot of things out of the scope of their understanding, such as frames, visuals such as movies or pictures, and scripting via java. Nor can they peek into parts of sites protected by passwords, or click buttons. Well, that's what they can't do. What CAN they do?

The robot makes a list of the web pages in the system at the 'submit a URL page, then searches for these web pages in order from the list the next time it goes on the web. Sometimes a robot will find your page whether you have submitted it or not because other site links may lead the robot to your site. Building your link popularity and getting links from other topical sites back to your site is important. The first thing a robot does when it arrives is to check for a robots.txt file. This file tells the robots which sites are off-limits. Usually these are files that should be of no concern because they are binaries or other files that are not needed by the robot.

By collecting and following links, robots manage tn transport themselves all over the internet. Think of it as an internet equivalent of the roads we use in our lives. Robots travel on the roads and read the signposts so they know what leads to where.

To ensure that searchers get the right results with the most relevant response to their query, quick calculations are done to see that this happens. Server logs and log statistics program results can be checked by the user to see what pages have been visited and how often. Some robots may be easy to identify such as Google's 'Googlebot', while less well-known ones such as Inktomi's 'Slurp' are not easily identifiable. Some robots even appear to be human-powered browsers.

Once in the database, the information becomes part of the search engine directory and ranking process. Indexing is based on how the search engine engineers have decided to evaluate information returned by the spiders. When you enter a query into a search engine, it uses several calculations behind the scenes to determine which results you're most likely looking for, out of the sites the spiders have returned. The database selects the best matches and displays them. The database is constantly updated by spiders crawling websites over and over again, to make sure that the most up-to-date information is available.

If you're interested in seeing which pages the spiders have visited on your website, you can check your server logs or the results from your log statistics. From this information you'll know which spiders have visited, where they went, when they came, and which pages they crawl most often. Some are easy to identify, such as Google's 'Googlebot,' while others are harder: 'Slurp' from Inktomi, for example. In addition to identifying which spiders visit, you can also find if any spiders are draining your bandwidth so that you can block them from your site. The internet has plenty of information on identifying these bad bots. There are also certain things can prevent good spiders from crawling your site, such as the site being down or huge amounts of traffic. This can prevent your site from being re-indexed, though most spiders will eventually come by again to try re-accessing the page.

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