Sunday, March 14, 2010

SEO 101 - How Important Are The Keywords For Your Marketing Campaign?

By Alex Johnson

The active use of search engines can drive a lot of traffic to your website. For potential visitors to find your website, it must show up when they do a search. Keywords are "signs" that point a roadmap to your website.

Proper keywords must be selected for your site and by this, I mean the actual content on your website should include the same words that people would be typing in to a search engine. Your page becomes relevant when it contains the same words that people are searching for.

If you know what words people are searching for you should use them on your website and those you use should be very specific. Being more specific will mean your site is more relevant when people perform a search. Keywords are the starting point of the whole marketing strategy. Choose them incorrectly and your target audience may never find you.

It is often complicated to find keywords that people are searching for about your product. The words that you may use may not be the same words that they are typing in to find you because, unlike them, you know a lot about product. It is important that you use tools online to find keywords relevant to your niche.

Good keyword tools and services available include Word Tracker and those provided when you set up your pay per click campaign with Google ad words or Yahoo. The results of these tools are well-founded as they are based on actual searches being done by the people looking for your product or service.

Each word in the keyword list must be evaluated as to its potential effectiveness. Do a quick search for the keyword and evaluate its popularity by seeing how many results appear. The aforementioned services will also aid you at this.

Search terms that are more popular are more likely to be entered into the search engines so you want to become relevant for those. Primarily, you should put yourself in the place of the consumer and set up your website so that someone who doesn't know anything about you will be able to find you.

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